Friday, April 29, 2011

the perfect pants.

baby R frolicking in the purple pants

showing the button detail. (there are some buttons at the top too, but they are not featured here)

I have been trying baby pants patterns for a while. none are quite right. here is my latest adaption and already I hate it. I have decided I should re-invent the wheel. the problems with kid pants patterns are:

1. too many pieces. the more pieces the more places to screw up, or to have things not line up when you finish. and who wants their awesome fabric patterns cut up like that?
2. I like lining, but lined pants often are hard to finish the cuffs on. things just don't add up.
3. not easy to re-size. if the pattern is simple the re-sizing is simple .
4. not enough room for diapers.
5. options! I like cuffs, reversible pants,and the button tied cuffs! why not all in the same pattern? and what if I don't want lining or cuffs lets cover that too.

I am making a pattern now.I will post soon. I will have a lined pants pattern that
1. has only 4-6 pieces (plus detailing pieces)
2. easy(er)cuffs
3. directions on resizing 0-3 mos up to whatever you want.
4. room for diapers!
5. how to line, cuff, button cuff, and plain hemming.

and these pants will be perfect for any fabric.

and this is R showing off my newest (old school) golf hat. available at my etsy shop.

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